芬兰和意大利的物理学家们正计划建造一种可以将物体冷却到10mK的微型电冰箱。这个已经部分建成的装置,通过允许单独的热电子从金属岛由隧道效应穿过一个绝热的缝隙而到达处于超导状态下的铅上。赫尔辛基技术大学的Jukka Pekola指出,这个装置有比传统隧道节点电冰箱效率高3倍多的潜力,并且,传统的隧道节点电冰箱仅能冷却至100mK。
Refrigerator cools one electron at a time (Jan 24)
Physicists in Finland and Italy have unveiled plans for a tiny
refrigerator that might be able to cool objects to temperatures as low
as 10 mK. The device, which has been partially built, works by allowing
single "hot" electrons to tunnel through an insulating gap from a metal
island to a superconducting lead. According to Jukka Pekola of the
Helsinki University of Technology, the device has the potential to be
about three times more efficient than conventional tunnel-junction
refrigerators, which struggle to cool below about 100 mK (Phys. Rev.
Lett. 98 037201).
Hanbury Brown螺旋效应的一种新螺旋体
相互排斥的波色-爱因斯坦和费米-迪拉克统计学首次同时在相同的仪器上发现。荷兰和法国的物理学家宣告了这一消息,他们对两种氦同位素原子的Hanbury Brown 螺旋效应进行了研究。这个发现可能使量子相关性的直接观测成为可能。
Another new twist on the Hanbury Brown-Twiss effect (Jan 24)
Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics, which are by definition
mutually exclusive, have been witnessed in the same apparatus for the
first time. This is the claim of physicists in the Netherlands and
France, who investigated the atomic "Hanbury Brown-Twiss effect" for two
isotopes of helium. The discovery could make direct observations of
quantum correlations possible (Nature 445 402).
芬兰和意大利的物理学家们正计划建造一种可以将物体冷却到10mK的微型电冰箱。这个已经部分建成的装置,通过允许单独的热电子从金属岛由隧道效应穿过一个绝热的缝隙而到达处于超导状态下的铅上。赫尔辛基技术大学的Jukka Pekola指出,这个装置有比传统隧道节点电冰箱效率高3倍多的潜力,并且,传统的隧道节点电冰箱仅能冷却至100mK。
Refrigerator cools one electron at a time (Jan 24)
Physicists in Finland and Italy have unveiled plans for a tiny
refrigerator that might be able to cool objects to temperatures as low
as 10 mK. The device, which has been partially built, works by allowing
single "hot" electrons to tunnel through an insulating gap from a metal
island to a superconducting lead. According to Jukka Pekola of the
Helsinki University of Technology, the device has the potential to be
about three times more efficient than conventional tunnel-junction
refrigerators, which struggle to cool below about 100 mK (Phys. Rev.
Lett. 98 037201).
Hanbury Brown螺旋效应的一种新螺旋体
相互排斥的波色-爱因斯坦和费米-迪拉克统计学首次同时在相同的仪器上发现。荷兰和法国的物理学家宣告了这一消息,他们对两种氦同位素原子的Hanbury Brown 螺旋效应进行了研究。这个发现可能使量子相关性的直接观测成为可能。
Another new twist on the Hanbury Brown-Twiss effect (Jan 24)
Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics, which are by definition
mutually exclusive, have been witnessed in the same apparatus for the
first time. This is the claim of physicists in the Netherlands and
France, who investigated the atomic "Hanbury Brown-Twiss effect" for two
isotopes of helium. The discovery could make direct observations of
quantum correlations possible (Nature 445 402).
标签: Physics Web
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